Star galleon armed transport

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The Star Galleon standardized what previously was a hodge-podge of up-armored and armed heavy bulk freighters designed to guard valuable shipments beyond the Carshoulis cluster.

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The Korri-class has represented the Cizerack Trade Navy as its de-facto ship of the line for the past 75 years. The Gorroka Particle Cannons align at the port and starboard wings on turret superstructures, while the Galleon's conning tower rises from the aft section of the hull to offer a commanding view of the dorsal hull. Along the main body of the craft, the defensive armament is arrayed to provide a wide field of fire.

The forward hull is reserved for the massive cargo bays designed to ferry priority cargo.

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The engines of a Korri Galleon are arrayed on three extended wings, separate from the main body of the starship.